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The NAVSTAR Global Positioning System. GPS satellites broadcast carrier signals modulated with ranging codes
and ephemeris. The ephemeris is information describing the satellite's orbit. A GPS receiver tracks the signals of
selected satellites, and uses the signals to calculate the receiver's position and velocity.
Pseudorange is the receiver's measurement of distance to satellite, plus an offset of the receiver's clock. The
receiver obtains the measurements by tracking satellite-ranging codes. Pseudorange is measured by generating a
replica of satellite transmission code within the receiver, and adjusting time offset until the replica and received
waveforms match.
Carrier Phase
There are two types of receiver measurements based on tracking satellite carrier signals. Delta-range is the
accumulated signal Doppler over a short interval, typically one second. It is primarily a measurement of relative
velocity. Some systems also use the carrier as a ranging signal by resolving carrier cycle ambiguities.
Reference Station
Also called a base station, a reference station places a GPS receiver at a known location. Instead of using the
receiver to navigate, the station uses the receiver's measurements to determine error in satellite signals. Those
errors correlate over tens or hundreds of miles. Consequently, other receivers in the area can use the information to
navigate more accurately.
Also called differential correction, augmentation is the technique of adjusting pseudorange and carrier phase
measurements using data from a reference station.
Inertial Navigation
GPS navigators sense signals broadcast by satellites. An entirely different means of navigation is to sense linear
acceleration and angular rotation relative to inertial space, and to dead reckon by accumulating the sensor's data in
a computer.
Inertial Measurement Unit. An IMU is a cluster of instruments (gyroscopes and accelerometers) that measure
3-axis angular rate and 3-axis linear acceleration. An IMU contains sensor hardware, electronics, and usually a
processor (a computer) that manages calibration and sensor compensation.
Inertial Navigation System. An INS contains an IMU. It also includes a computer that can dead reckon using the
IMU's measurements. In general usage, the term "INS" also means anything having to do with inertial navigation.
A baro-inertial system adds a barometric altimeter to an INS to improve the vertical component of navigation.
This means navigation that combines the data of a GPS receiver and an INS. The term GPS/INS or INS/GPS is
often a misnomer, because there may only be an IMU within the system.
Strapdown Navigation
Strapdown navigation reduces the angular rates and accelerations sensed by an IMU instrument cluster to geodetic
navigation in position, velocity, and attitude. In strapdown navigation, the sensors move with the vehicle instead of
being mounted on a stabilized platform.
Receiver Aiding
Receiver aiding further reduces angular rates and accelerations sensed by an IMU to GPS frequency shifts,
enabling the GPS receiver to track through greater dynamics and noise.
Satellite Orbital Computations
These solve for the distances to GPS satellites, using ephemeris data modulated onto satellite broadcasts.
Kalman Filtering
The Kalman filter compares strapdown navigation to pseudorange and carrier phase measurements, and watches
the discrepancy to recognize the signatures of various error mechanisms. The filter identifies sensor and navigation
errors, and applies corrections to keep the system in continual alignment. The Kalman filter runs in real-time, and
makes best use of all sensor data accumulated to the present time.
Recursive Smoothing
The recursive smoother runs in post-processing. It extends the Kalman filter by making best use of all recorded
sensor data within a mission to solve for each trajectory point within the mission. It is a common mistake to replay
a mission by simply reading back a recording of sensor data, and re-running the Kalman filter. That imposes an
artificial limitation, because in replay, all the data is in the past. Smoothed trajectories are substantially more
Floating Versus Steered Receiver Clock
Pseudorange is the time difference between the receiver's clock and the observed satellite clock, times the speed
of light. Since the satellite signal takes about 70 milliseconds to travel from satellite to receiver, the satellite clock
usually appears delayed, as detected by the receiver. Pseudorange is generally understood to be a measurement
of distance, but it is normal and acceptable for pseudorange to be negative if the receiver's clock happens to be
running more than 70 milliseconds slow.
It is cost effective to put atomic clocks in GPS satellites, but to use less expensive crystal oscillator clocks in all
the thousands of receivers. Since those less-expensive clocks can drift, it is standard practice to combine the data
of four or more satellites to solve for the receiver's position, and clock drift. The clock drift is a nuisance parameter,
but as a byproduct of the navigation solution, clock drift is known to within about a hundred nanoseconds.
Since clock drift is known, there are two things that can be done using the information. One approach is to let the
clock float; Its offset can become large (in milliseconds) but the clock drift is known and predictable. The system
may occasionally reset when offset reaches a threshold. The other approach is to steer the receiver's clock by
driving the offset to zero. In that case the clock error is small but jittery.
GINI requires that the receiver's clock be allowed to float. That enables the Kalman filter to use the clock as a
sensor, and so make best use of all the available GPS measurements. Tightly-coupled systems can operate in
poor signal environments where GPS signals are only momentarily and infrequently available, and yet perform
almost as well as if the signals were all available continuously.
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