Korean BBQ
I'm not sure how this works, except
that it will be new, will be family style,
will have a barbeque pit in the middle
of the table, and will probably be
Last April 28 we went to the
Silverwood Ranch House on a dining
adventure. The experience was
everything we were hoping for. In
addition, we discovered a side area
of the restaurant devoted to Korean
BBQ. There is a separate Korean
menu, and tables especially designed
for Korean fare. We decided that we
will have to come back to sample
what we missed.
Please join us on Saturday, July
23, 2016 at noon to try the Korean
side of the restaurant.
Allow 20 minutes to get there from
Crestline. It's on Highway 138 out
past Silverwood Lake, about a
half-mile past the bridge
construction. There is a map
below. If you would like to hitch a
ride, meet me at the Park & Ride
lot next to Rim Bowling on Lake
Drive. I will leave from there at
11:40 am.