Dogwood Trail Hike
Parts of the Dogwood Trail area are described as
"enchanted," and "Sherwood Forest" of Robin
Hood fame. I have seen it, and can attest that this is
as lush as the forest gets in our mountains. Please
join us.
Heather Sargeant has volunteered to lead a hike
through the area, every Thursday. The hike is 3.2
miles round trip, with an elevation gain of 400 feet.
About the first 2 miles is up through dirt trails. The
remainder is back on paved roads through
Dogwood Campground.
Start time has changed to 3:30 pm due to early
darkness. Hikes will continue through December,
2016, weather permitting. Not sure about next year.
Bring hiking shoes and an extra wrap in case it
cools off for the evening.
To get there, from Hwy 18 turn down Daley Canyon
Road, make an immediate right, and park. Meet at
the Dogwood Campground sign. A map is below,
with the stick pin at the meeting location. Trailhead
is near the sign.
This event is free, and there are no parking fees.
Members and friends RSVP to, or just show up.