Sunday, August 25 2013


Exploration Trail Hike and Potluck – Running Springs area – Sierra Club – Big Bear Group
3:00 pm, moderate, 3 hour 6-7 miles, 1,000 ft. elevation gain.
We’ll hike about 1.5 hours downhill and then retrace our steps uphill to develop an appetite and return to our cars where we’ll enjoy a potluck dinner at the picnic tables in the Children’s Forest. (The entire trail is 9 miles but we won’t be hiking to the bottom this time.) Restrooms are available at the Children’s Forest. Meet at the upper terminus of the Exploration Trail, located 4 miles up Keller Peak Road in Running Springs just below the Children’s Forest. Bring ten essentials, sturdy hiking boots, 2 liters of water, hat, sunglasses, and layered clothing as we’ll be picnicking into the early evening. Adventure passes are required to park at the trailhead. Please let me know what food or drink you will bring to share at the potluck. Call Roberta Darrow hiking leader at (909) 362-2531 or
